19 research outputs found

    Effect of Epitaxial Strain on Phase Separation in Thin Films

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    We examine the role of an imposed epitaxial strain e in enhancing or depressing the spinodal instability of an alloy thin film. Since the alloy film starts with an imposed strain, phase separation offers a mechanism to relieve it, but only when the film is elastically inhomogeneous. With composition-dependence of elastic modulus given by y, and that of lattice parameter by {\eta}, our simulations using the Cahn-Hilliard model show (and analytical results for early stages confirm) that, for (ey/{\eta}) > 0, the imposed strain adds to the driving force for phase separation, decreases the maximally growing wave length, and expands the coherent spinodal in the phase diagram. Further, when (ey/{\eta}) > 0.372, it expands to even outside of chemical spinodal. Phase separation produces islands of elastically softer (harder) phase with (without) a favorable imposed strain. These results are in agreement with experimental results in GeSi thin films on Si and Ge substrates, as well as in InGaAs films on GaAs substrates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Particles with selective wetting affect spinodal decomposition microstructures

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    We have used mesoscale simulations to study the effect of immobile particles on microstructure formation during spinodal decomposition in ternary mixtures such as polymer blends. Specifically, we have explored a regime of interparticle spacings (which are a few times the characteristic spinodal length scale) in which we might expect interesting new effects arising from interactions among wetting, spinodal decomposition and coarsening. In this paper, we report three new effects for systems in which the particle phase has a strong preference for being wetted by one of the components (say, A). In the presence of particles, microstructures are not bicontinuous in a symmetric mixture. An asymmetric mixture, on the other hand, first forms a non-bicontinuous microstructure which then evolves into a bicontinuous one at intermediate times. Moreover, while wetting of the particle phase by the preferred component (A) creates alternating A-rich and B-rich layers around the particles, curvature-driven coarsening leads to shrinking and disappearance of the first A-rich layer, leaving a layer of the non-preferred component in contact with the particle. At late simulation times, domains of the matrix components coarsen following the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner law, R1(t)t1/3R_1(t) \sim t^{1/3}.Comment: Accepted for publication in PCCP on 24th May 201

    Phase-field simulation of fusion interface events during solidification of dissimilar welds: effect of composition inhomogeneity

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    We investigate the events near the fusion interfaces of dissimilar welds using a phase-field model developed for single-phase solidification of binary alloys. The parameters used here correspond to the dissimilar welding of a Ni/Cu couple. The events at the Ni and the Cu interface are very different, which illustrate the importance of the phase diagram through the slope of the liquidus curves. In the Ni side, where the liquidus temperature decreases with increasing alloying, solutal melting of the base metal takes place; the resolidification, with continuously increasing solid composition, is very sluggish until the interface encounters a homogeneous melt composition. The growth difficulty of the base metal increases with increasing initial melt composition, which is equivalent to a steeper slope of the liquidus curve. In the Cu side, the initial conditions result in a deeply undercooled melt and contributions from both constrained and unconstrained modes of growth are observed. The simulations bring out the possibility of nucleation of a concentrated solid phase from the melt, and a secondary melting of the substrate due to the associated recalescence event. The results for the Ni and Cu interfaces can be used to understand more complex dissimilar weld interfaces involving multiphase solidification

    Microstructure development during dissimilar welding: case of laser welding of Ti with Ni involving intermetallic phase formation

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    Development of solidification microstructure in a laser welded Ti/Ni dissimilar binary couple is presented. At the fusion interfaces in both Ti and Ni, growth of the base metal grains into the weld pool is inhibited by the resence of composition gradients in the melt. Ti2Ni dendrites grow toward the base metal at the Ti fusion interface. In the Ni side, appearance of a nickel solid solution phase is followed by layers of Ni3Ti, Ni3Ti + NiTi, eutectic, and NiTi. NiTi dendrites and Ti2Ni constitute the microstructure in the middle of the weld. Isolated titanium dendrites are observed throughout the weld, but their preferential occurrence toward the top surface of the weld is more prominent. Results are rationalised on the basis of interplay of the transport processes in the weld with the thermodynamics of the Ti-Ni system

    Understanding milling induced changes: some results

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    The effect of mechanical milling on materials has been studied using simple model systems. The results show that milling leads to enhancement in both thermodynamic driving force and transport kinetics. A study of some characteristic physical properties of the milled samples in comparison to the bulk shows how milling affects the properties

    Chemistry research in India in a global perspective : a scientometrics profile

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    We measure India’s contribution to chemistry research in a global perspective. In the five years 2011-2015 Indian researchers have published 62,448 papers in 557 journals. In terms of % share, India (with 6.9% of the world’s publications) is behind only China (25%) and USA (17%). But only 0.86% of papers from India are among the top 1% of the most highly cited papers of the world, compared to 4.86% of papers from Singapore, 2.65% of papers from USA, 2.09% of papers from China, 1.87% of papers from the UK, 1.71% of papers from South Korea and 1.6% of papers from Germany. Papers from India are cited 14.68 times on average compared to cites per paper of 45.34 for Singapore, 30.47 for USA, 23.12 for China, 26.51 for the UK, 21.77 for South Korea and 24.77 for Germany. Less than 39% of papers from India are found in quartile 1 (high impact factor) journals, compared to 53.6% for China and 53.8% for South Korea. Percent share of papers in quartile 1 journals from India is lower than that for the world for all of chemistry and for each one of the eight categories, viz. analytical, applied, inorganic & nuclear, medicinal, multidisciplinary, organic, physical and electrochemistry whether one considers data for the entire five-year period or for 2015 alone. About 20% of Indian chemistry papers are in collaboration with international coauthors. Researchers from only 160 Indian institutions have published at least 100 papers (compared to 362 in USA and 399 in China) and these include 67 state, 14 central and 11 private universities, 27 institutions under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, 20 CSIR laboratories, seven Department of Atomic Energy institutions, and seven Department of Science & Technology institutions. About 40% of all Indian chemistry papers have come from public universities. Only three Indian institutions, viz Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science and Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, have published more than 2,000 papers. None of the Indian universities has performed as well as leading Asian universities. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, a small institution with less than 200 papers, has performed reasonably well

    An extended Cahn–Hilliard model for interfaces with cubic anisotropy

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    For studying systems with a cubic anisotropy in interfacial energy sigma, we extend the Cahn-Hilliard model by including in it a fourth-rank term, namely, gamma (ijlm) [partial derivative (2) c/(partial derivativex(i) partial derivativex(j))] [partial derivative (2) c/(partial derivativex(l) partial derivativex(m))]. This term leads to an additional linear term in the evolution equation for the composition parameter field. It also leads to an orientation-dependent effective fourth-rank coefficient gamma ([hkl]) in the governing equation for the one-dimensional composition profile across a planar interface. The main effect of a non-negative gamma ([hkl]) is to increase both sigma and interfacial width w, each of which, upon suitable scaling, is related to gamma ([hkl]) through a universal scaling function. In this model, sigma is a differentiable function of interface orientation (n) over cap, and does not exhibit cusps; therefore, the equilibrium particle shapes (Wulff shapes) do not contain planar facets. However, the anisotropy in the interfacial energy can be large enough to give rise to corners in the Wulff shapes in two dimensions. In particles of finite sizes, the corners become rounded, and their shapes tend towards the Wulff shape with increasing particle size

    Microstructure Formation in Dissimilar Metal Welds: Electron Beam Welding of Ti/Ni

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    We present results for electron beam welding of a binary Ti/Ni dissimilar metal couple. The difference in physical properties of the base metals and metallurgical features (thermodynamics and kinetics) of the system influence both macroscopic transport and microstructure development in the weld. Microstructures near the fusion interfaces are markedly different from those inside the weld region. At the Ti side, Ti2Ni dendrites are observed to grow toward the fusion interface, while in the Ni side, layered growth of γ-Ni, Ni3Ti, and Ni3Ti + NiTi eutectic is observed. Different morphologies of the latter eutectic constitute the predominant microstructure inside the weld metal region. These results are compared and contrasted with those from laser welding of the same binary couple, and a scheme of solidification is proposed to explain the observations. This highlights notable departures from welding of similar and other dissimilar metals such as a significant asymmetry in heat transport that governs progress of solidification from each side of the couple, and a lack of unique liquidus isotherm characterizing the liquid–solid front